Learn to celebrate the Maronite Liturgy

(Optional) enter in cassock and jibee
Preparation of the gifts done on north side-altar (if Altar is east of church)
(Optional) vesting prayers
(Optional) Candles lit while hymn is sung beginning at south side candles
(new) wait in back of church until liturgy begins
(new) entrance hymn process in with hand cross
Entrance dialogue sung twice
Glory be (sign yourself with hand cross)
Peace prayer sign people (if facing east turn toward people temporarily)
Glory to God
blessing of incense (traditional through my weak and sinful hands incense is offered for the praise and glory of the most holy trinity lord have mercy on us) (new done during glory to God)
Proemion and sedro read the prayer and deacon incense, if no deacon do both( stand in center facing altar cross three in middle three to south three to the north four corners of the altar clergy via hierarchy (bishop 3 sets of three, celebrant priest three priest 1 deacon 1 subdeacon 1) then spinning counterclockwise incense the congregation maybe ten swings over 180 degrees then return to facing altar and finish proemion then put incense up)
(optional) sit during qolo hymn
etro stand at (new) north gospel lectern
qadeeeshat face the altar/cross (traditional) bow slighty at itraham alein
(optional) continue facing for holy and immortal Lord
sit for mazmooro
first reading- bless reader at south lectern
process to south side altar to retrieve gospel (new) deacon gets gospel
burn incense (traditional with prayer above)
incense gospel three middle three to right side of gospel three to left side of gospel
deacon prayer
peace be with you sign the congregation
say from the gospel of our lord… (new) deacon says it
deacon prayer
read the gospel (new) deacon does it
sign people with the gopel while saying this is the truth peace be with you (new) sign with your cross because the deacon has the gospel, kiss the gospel
(new) collection and hymn
(traditional) creed from center facing east
second entrance prayer (will record)
kiss altar
(convenient) lay cross on altar
(new) go to bottom step collect chalice etc. ending with paten and chalice (hand others to deacons (tradiitional) deacons process to altarreceieve from altar
return to altar paton in right hand chalice in left (traditional) right arm crossed over left arm for prayer
place chalice and paten on corporal coevr with palls
(traditional) cross hand on top of chalice pall right hand on top
incense cross 3 times 3, gift counter clockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, four corners of altar counterclockwise from your right clergy, people, left side of altar, right side of altar
glory be sign self with hand cross
peace (traditional) touch altar laying both hands down shoulder width apart lift right hand to lips, touch chalice pall and paten pall with right hand then lips, (traditional) lay right hand face up (new) close hands(prayer hands) and walk to nearest deacon or server
deacon prayer
(new) peace hymn
2 prayers hands extended (traditional) bow slightly
eucharistic prayer
(traditional)sign self, left side, right side with anaphora veil (new) use cross (new) use hand (new) sign people 3 imes
let us lift up…look up
it is right cross hands bow
holy holy holy
(traditional) once hymn over silently recite prayer remover chalice pall with left hand cross with right hand while mentioning father touching chalice in four points, lift paten chalice with left hand, sign chalice with right hand while mentioning son, sign whole corporal while mentioning Holy SPirit lay aside palls
(traditional) say kyrie eleison lift host with both hands. barak wa qadesh 3 blessing, waqso touch four corners with thumb. at end bow.
Prayer over the Host
(traditional) lift chalice, 3 blessings barek wa qadesh after dmo deel tilt (pour) chalice forward backward, left right, at end bow
(traditional) cover chalice and paten with palls

Prayer over the Chalice

Traditional Preparation Rite