Prodigal Son

Sunday Morning Prayer
Sunday Evening Prayer
Sunday Night Prayer
Qurbono Readings

Monday Morning Prayer
Monday Evening Prayer
Monday Night Prayer
Qurbono Readings

Tuesday Morning Prayer
Tuesday Evening Prayer
Tuesday Night Prayer
Qurbono Readings

Wednesday Morning Prayer
Wednesday Evening Prayer
Wednesday Night Prayer
Qurbono Readings

Thursday Morning Prayer
Thursday Evening Prayer
Thursday Night Prayer
Qurbono Readings

Friday Morning Prayer
Friday Evening Prayer
Friday Night Prayer
Qurbono Readings

Saturday Morning Prayer
Saturday Evening Prayer
Saturday Night Prayer
Qurbono Readings

Prayers for next week and the Lenten Seaon
Faithful Departed
Wedding Feast at Cana
Healing of the Leper
Hemorrhaging Woman
Prodigal Son
The Paralytic
Bartimeus the Blind

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